SHEVA…a very SPECIAL dog!


SHEVA is a spe­cial dog and has sev­er­al spe­cial requests with regards to her rehoming 🙂

First…Sheva would love her own­er to be active, kind and patient that prac­tices pos­i­tive train­ing techniques.

Second…Sheva wants a home with anoth­er dog com­pan­ion that is play­ful and dog social. She­va thrives when liv­ing with anoth­er dog.

Third…Sheva LOVES to snug­gle and is one of the most affec­tion­ate dogs we have had the plea­sure of car­ing for. Couch priv­i­leges are a must 😉 

Vis­it our beau­ti­ful SHEVA here under avail­able pets 🙂

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