Dog vac­ci­na­tions are a very con­tro­ver­sial top­ic among dog own­ers and dog health experts. Every dog own­er must choose whether or not to vac­ci­nate their dog, which vac­cines to admin­is­ter and how often. It’s impor­tant to know all the facts.

Com­mon Dog Vaccinations

Vac­cines for par­vovirus, dis­tem­per, ade­n­ovirus and rabies are gen­er­al­ly con­sid­ered core­vac­cines. Most states require that all dogs be vac­ci­nat­ed for rabies annu­al­ly. Non-core vac­cines include parain­fluen­za and Bor­datel­la bron­chisep­ti­ca — both meant to pre­vent ken­nel cough — Bor­re­lia burgdor­feri for lyme dis­ease, lep­tospiro­sis, coro­n­av­is­rus, hepati­tis, Gia­r­dia, measles, rat­tlesnake, and many more. The tra­di­tion­al prac­tice is to vac­ci­nate pup­pies at six weeks, nine weeks, 12 weeks, and fif­teen weeks of age, then go to an annu­al shot. Nurs­ing pup­pies receive immu­ni­ties from their moth­er’s milk.imitation rolex datejust ladies rolex calibre 2671 mingzhu engine m278381rbr 0026 two tone Any immu­ni­ties still present from nurs­ing will ren­der the vac­cines inef­fec­tive, so the vac­cines are admin­is­tered fre­quent­ly until it can be assumed that no anti­bod­ies are left over from nurs­ing to pre­vent any gaps in protection.
Adverse Reac­tions to Dog Vaccinations

At the very least, vac­ci­na­tions put stress on the dog’s immune sys­tem for sev­er­al days. It is com­mon for dogs to be slug­gish and gen­er­al­ly not feel well while their sys­tem is rec­og­niz­ing and respond­ing to the dis­eases that have been intro­duced. Addi­tion­al stress to the dog’s body, such as surgery, should always be avoid­ed dur­ing this time peri­od. Dog vac­ci­na­tions should nev­er be giv­en to a dog who is ill or injured as this will only make it hard­er for the body to heal. Some dogs have severe aller­gic reac­tions with symp­toms includ­ing vom­it­ing, diar­rhea, whole body itch­ing, col­lapse, dif­fi­cul­ty breath­ing or swelling of the face or legs. If such symp­toms occur, the dog should receive imme­di­ate med­ical attention.

In recent years, vet­eri­nar­i­ans have begun to link both imme­di­ate and long-term health prob­lems to vac­ci­na­tions. Seri­ous health prob­lems result­ing from dog vac­ci­na­tions include:

* Can­cer
* Inflam­ma­to­ry bow­el disease
* Arthritis
* Chron­ic allergies
* Auto-immune diseases
* Aggres­sive behavior
* Hip dysplasia
* Liv­er, kid­ney and heart problems

Even a sin­gle vac­ci­na­tion car­ries risks, but most vac­cine-relat­ed health prob­lems are caused by over vac­ci­nat­ing. High­er vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty to dis­eases such as par­vovirus have been passed down in dog breeds that have reg­u­lar­ly been over-vac­ci­nat­ed through many gen­er­a­tions. While some vet­eri­nar­i­ans have con­clud­ed that vac­ci­na­tions are inef­fec­tive, unhealthy and unnec­es­sary, most still believe in vac­ci­nat­ing but on a much more lim­it­ed basis than has pre­vi­ous­ly been the standard.
When Are Vac­ci­na­tions Appropriate?

Obvi­ous­ly, high expo­sure dogs, such as dogs liv­ing in cities, active show dogs and dogs who stay in ken­nels are more like­ly to need vac­ci­na­tions than rur­al dogs who are well con­tained and have lit­tle or no expo­sure to oth­er dogs. There are many oth­er fac­tors to con­sid­er, such as geo­graph­ic loca­tion and fam­i­ly his­to­ry. Ask your­self these questions:

* Does the dog live in an area where dis­ease is com­mon and eas­i­ly spread due to cli­mate and population?
* Does the dog’s par­ents and grand­par­ents have a his­to­ry of vac­cine-relat­ed ill­ness, such as hip dys­pla­sia and cancer?

Safer Ways to Vaccinate

If vac­cines are giv­en at all, they should always be kept to a bare min­i­mum. Dogs should only be vac­ci­nat­ed for dis­eases that they are tru­ly like­ly to be exposed to, and vac­cines should be admin­is­tered as infre­quent­ly as pos­si­ble. In the past, the stan­dard was to vac­ci­nate annu­al­ fog max air blueberry dream Although fre­quen­cy varies with each type of vac­cine, recent research has shown that most dog vac­ci­na­tions are effec­tive from three to sev­en years, and some last for the dog’s entire life­time. Titer test­ing can be used to deter­mine whether a dog still has the need­ed anti­bod­ies and can help pre­vent over vac­ci­na­tion. Dog vac­ci­na­tions are often admin­is­tered sev­er­al at a time, in 3‑way, 5‑way or 7‑way bun­dled shots. Adverse reac­tions and impact to the immune sys­tem can be min­i­mized by admin­is­ter­ing vac­cines sep­a­rate­ly and wait­ing three months in between each vaccination.

Decid­ing whether or not to vac­ci­nate can be one of the most con­fus­ing and fright­en­ing choic­es a dog own­er has to make. While on one hand, dogs can die, have short­er lives or suf­fer long-term debil­i­tat­ing ill­ness; if vac­ci­nat­ed, expo­sure to life threat­en­ing and dead­ly dis­eases such as par­vo, rabies and dis­tem­per is a very real con­cern. Dog own­ers should thor­ough­ly research the vac­cines they are con­sid­er­ing for their dogs and eval­u­ate each sit­u­a­tion individually.