BO in his BOW.…



This is BO AKA BOjan­gles pho­tographed by Jesse Yuen. While we “don’t” rec­om­mend pets be giv­en as gifts, we could­n’t resist shar­ing this won­der­ful pho­to of our hand­some boy in his Christ­mas bow-tie. BO is still look­ing for the right home. He has had inter­est but unfor­tu­nate­ly, because of his breed, many want to leave him in the yard when they are not home. This is against our adop­tion pol­i­cy and pets need to be inside where they are safe and warm. BO is not fond of being left in the yard even when you are home. He is chill in the house and con­tent when left alone with his fos­ter broth­er Luke. He will col­lect shoes and slip­pers and make a pile for you so every­thing is orga­nized when you return home…he is such a goof! 

BO is a typ­i­cal shep­herd and loves to herd, how­ev­er his dri­ve is on the low­er end. He is cur­rent­ly learn­ing to walk “calm­ly” on leash as he is so hap­py to be going places he for­gets that he is pulling. BO gets along well with oth­er dogs and spends sev­er­al days a week at The Dog Patch, a Dog Day­care and Board­ing facil­i­ty in Poco. BO is just about 3 years old and weighs about 80 lbs. He is good with old­er kids and has been non-reac­tive to cats if they don’t run from him. For more infor­ma­tion about this amaz­ing dog please email us at or down­load an appli­ca­tion from our adop­tion tab and email it back to us.

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