FRANKIE needs an understanding home!


FRANKIE aka FLUFFY is a spayed, approx., 3 year old, 40b medi­um-sized, mixed breed with per­haps Ter­ri­er, Shep­herd, Husky. FRANKIE is in need of a qui­et but active home that have anoth­er friend­ly, play­ful dog. She is best in an adult home due to her inse­cu­ri­ties. FRANKIE will chase cats if they run. 

FRANKIE has a dif­fi­cult time set­tling in and she is very ner­vous around new peo­ple and will stick to you like glue. She has bond­ed quick­ly with her fos­ter mom and dad and is slow­ing learn­ing to be more con­fi­dent. Her new guardian will need to be SUPER SAVVY with fear­ful dogs and have the patience to help FRANKIE be more at ease with her sur­round­ings. She absolute­ly loves her walks and is learn­ing to walk nice­ly on a no-pull harness. 

FRANKIE needs a detached home with a fenced yard to play in with her new bud­dy (hav­ing anoth­er young, play­ful dog is a must). She would not do well in a con­do. FRANKIE has had a very dif­fi­cult past and she is look­ing for­ward to mov­ing for­ward and leav­ing the past behind but she will require lots of patience and dog expe­ri­ence. She has been in fos­ter care since Octo­ber 31st, 2015 and came to us from Ter­race, BC. A fos­ter-to-adopt peri­od will be required pri­or to adop­tion to ensure it’s a good match. 

If you are inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about FRANKIE please email us at

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