Fos­ter­ing is one of the BEST vol­un­teer jobs on the planet!

One of the most need­ed vol­un­teer posi­tions in ani­mal res­cue is fos­ter­ing. We could not res­cue as many ani­mals with­out fos­ter homes as we do not have a shel­ter to house them. Plac­ing our ani­mals in pri­vate fos­ter care allows us to ful­ly assess the ani­mals’ needs, require­ments and behav­iour in a home envi­ron­ment. CROSS OUR PAWS cur­rent­ly has some amaz­ing fos­ter homes and we can’t thank them enough. How­ev­er, we are always look­ing for addi­tion­al fos­ter homes for ani­mals that are wast­ing away in our shel­ters or in unsuitable/neglected homes.

The res­cue will cov­er food and vet­ting expens­es while the ani­mal is in your care (some excep­tions apply). We pro­vide every fos­ter home with a crate, collar/leash/harness and ID tag and a sup­ply of qual­i­ty pet food. Fos­ter homes have first option to adopt if the ani­mal is a per­fect match for the family.