CROSS OUR PAWS is a Cana­di­an, fos­ter based, not-for-prof­it ani­mal res­cue orga­ni­za­tion that has been oper­at­ing since 2006 through­out the Van­cou­ver Low­er Main­land and Fras­er Val­ley. Our small group of ded­i­cat­ed vol­un­teers shares a pas­sion for ani­mals and is com­mit­ted to res­cu­ing, pro­vid­ing med­ical care, reha­bil­i­tat­ing, and rehom­ing abused, aban­doned, and home­less ani­mals. We work close­ly with local ani­mal shel­ters in British Colum­bia and the NWT to find lov­ing homes for these vul­ner­a­ble ani­mals who are often liv­ing in cold, lone­ly con­crete ken­nels, hop­ing for a chance at a for­ev­er home filled with love. Many of these dogs have spent months, if not years, in shelters.

All ani­mals in our care receive thor­ough exam­i­na­tions by our vet­eri­nar­i­ans before enter­ing tem­po­rary fos­ter homes, as we do not have a shel­ter facil­i­ty. Plac­ing ani­mals in tem­po­rary fos­ter care allows us to assess their indi­vid­ual needs and give them the time they need to adjust to a new envi­ron­ment. This approach enables us to pro­vide nec­es­sary sup­port, train­ing, and ulti­mate­ly find the best match for both the ani­mal and their human guardian.

At Cross Our Paws, we pri­or­i­tize a nat­ur­al and healthy approach to ani­mal care, includ­ing titer test­ing, fresh and raw feed­ing, and pos­i­tive rein­force­ment training.

Please be advised that we do not facil­i­tate cross-bor­der adop­tions at this time.

intage watch repli­cas Rolex watch­es. Each watch restored using only orig­i­nal parts and includes a 2‑yr warranty.