From sun­ny South­ern Cal­i­for­nia, Bran­don Jones has been design­ing, draw­ing, pho­tograph­ing, and cod­ing the world around him for the past sev­er­al years. Not con­tent to pick one media and stick with it has left Bran­don with a broad range of tal­ents that have allowed him to work on projects rang­ing from grungy dig­i­tal art kits to For­tune 500 soft­ware prototyping.

With a strong back­ground in graph­ic design, dig­i­tal illus­tra­tion, and user inter­face design (as well as a smat­ter­ing of front-end pro­gram­ming lan­guages), Bran­don has had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work with a vari­ety of award win­ning stu­dios through his young career. He has attend­ed a num­ber of col­leges in South­ern Cal­i­for­nia, but counts him­self as a large­ly self-taught & self-moti­vat­ed design­er with a desire to play a larg­er role in the design com­mu­ni­ty. He is cur­rent­ly a stu­dent in the Cal Poly Pomona Design Depart­ment where he is fin­ish­ing a degree in Graph­ic Design & Art History.

What Clients are Saying

I was recent­ly told by a bil­lion­aire, ‘Build­ing a busi­ness is amaz­ing­ly sim­ple, easy and fun, as long as you are work­ing with the right peo­ple.’ Bran­don is the right peo­ple. He brings the enthu­si­asm and com­mit­ment of a true entre­pre­neur to each project. I can hear his smile over the phone. On the last major project with SAP, when the time got short and we had to push, he stayed up lat­er than every­one else. He has a true pas­sion for learn­ing, the right atti­tude, focus and “mad” peo­ple skills. I know some day, we may all be ask­ing him for a job.”
— Shane Pearl­man of Shane & Peter.

Bran­don has taught me how refresh­ing it can be to work with some­one who is tru­ely moti­vat­ed, and high­ly skilled. He is one of those rare peo­ple who has a very sharp eye for design, but a strong capac­i­ty for code inte­gra­tion. He is invest­ed in our best inter­ests and knows how to work effi­cient­ly, tire­less­ly, and free from ego. Work­ing with Bran­don is a plea­sure. I look for­ward to work­ing wih him for years to come.”
— Peter Chester of Shane & Peter.


I’m pas­sion­ate about bring­ing the high­est lev­el of qual­i­ty and cre­ativ­i­ty to every project that I work on. I’m always inter­est­ed in tak­ing on inter­est­ing projects with peo­ple that are enthu­si­as­tic about ele­vat­ing their brands and devel­op­ing new ideas for the future.

I’m a suck­er for good cof­fee, good beer, good infor­ma­tion and good peo­ple — and any­thing that brings me a lit­tle more of any of those makes me a hap­py dude.

My goals for the next hand­ful of years are to con­tin­ue to grow my skills by meet­ing and work­ing with any­one that’s open to team­ing up. I’m a huge advo­cate of the pow­er of teams, and I get excit­ed about each new oppor­tu­ni­ty I get to work with new peo­ple, so feel free to drop me a line anytime!”.