Our sweet boy Diesel is still look­ing for a lov­ing home. Diesel loves women and warms up quick­ly and will soak in EVERY hug and kiss he can. He is super affec­tion­ate with the peo­ple he loves and knows. Diesel is good with oth­er dogs but is NOT com­fort­able around cats. Kids can be a lit­tle much for him (depend­ing) and some male teenagers/adult males make him ner­vous and timid. Diesel would love to hang with a female cou­ple or sin­gle female who are active and have pre­vi­ous large-dog expe­ri­ence. This 4 yr old Mas­tiff mix is a DOLL! He is not destruc­tive, lis­tens well, house and crate trained and wants to be with women and oth­er friend­ly dogs. He is not great in crowds. DEEZ weighs about 100 lbs., is neutered and healthy.IMG_2855