IMG_3999Jew­els came to us from the NWT in search for her new home. This timid, young girl needs some pol­ish­ing before she is ready for adop­tion as she is very shy of peo­ple in gen­er­al. She is going to need time and lots of love to help her trust. She adores oth­er dogs and it’s impor­tant she be around them as it helps her confidence. 

Jew­els is a 15 week old mixed breed of husky/lab and per­haps moun­tain dog. She will need a qui­et but active home with no chil­dren. We haven’t been able to pet Jew­els yet so we leave a leash attached to her so we can reach her if need­ed. She is cur­rent­ly fol­low­ing Sam­mie around and they play togeth­er beau­ti­ful­ly. Please check back for updates on this deserv­ing, sweet girl.