Our SWEET boy REDD HERO has arrived from Yel­lowknife. What a GREAT dog! REDD lost his leg after being struck by a truck in a com­mu­ni­ty up North. REDD is 5 months old and will be look­ing for a home after he is neutered in sev­er­al months. He has been through SO much and had com­pli­ca­tions after surgery which required hydro-ther­a­py treat­ment to heal his wounds (check out his sto­ry on CBC). We are look­ing for an adult home that has few to no stairs and a secure yard to chase his ball. He is cur­rent­ly being fos­tered in a ranch­er and loves to lie on the back deck check­ing out all the birds and fetch­ing his ball. He is one smart boy! Appli­ca­tion, home-vis­it and adop­tion fee apply. 

If you would like to make a dona­tion toward REDD’S pre­vi­ous vet bills please email us at or vis­it our web­site
Your dona­tion will be going to the NWT SPCA that res­cued and vet­ted REDD. This has deplet­ed a lot of their emer­gency funds. FYINWT SPCA is sep­a­rate from the BCSPCA and is run 100% by vol­un­teers. Thank you to all the donors in the NWT that have donat­ed to their Brave’s Fund and to Dr. Tom Pisz for his care and gen­eros­i­ty to help REDD walk again. We want to THANK Car­olyn of ARTS for help­ing us get REDD here (and many oth­er home­less dogs/pups) and for shar­ing their fos­ter homes for short-term stays in between trans­ports. It’s amaz­ing what we can accom­plish when work­ing with such GREAT ani­mal lov­ing people…


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