

TROOPER is a TROOPER and has been through a lot in his young life. He was born along with 7 oth­er sib­lings around March 24th, 2014. Sad­ly, his moth­er was a chained dog up north and at approx­i­mate­ly 4 days old, the chain sev­ered TROOPER’S right leg which has made him a 3‑legged dog. The own­er sur­ren­dered the entire lit­ter along with the moth­er (She­va) so prop­er care and vet­ting could be given.

TROOPER healed well and is doing AMAZING. Although not quite as agile as his sib­lings, he gets around just fine and in fact, he has no idea he is miss­ing a leg. While TROOPER is doing fan­tas­tic we may need to con­sid­er surgery on this leg when we have him neutered. He still has his femur which makes bal­anc­ing dif­fi­cult and we would much rather see the leg gone at the hip. TROOPER con­tin­ues to try and use his leg which will cre­ate issues for him lat­er on. Any deci­sions made will be at the best advice of our vets. TROOPER will need to remain in our care for a while until all vet­ting is com­plet­ed. This dog will touch your heart and tick­le your soul. He will make you laugh and cry all at once. He is sweet, snug­gly and gives the best kiss­es. TROOPER will need a spe­cial home with few stairs. We have had 3‑legged dogs in our res­cue in the past and they are just like any oth­er dog. TROOPER will be an active dog and will need active own­ers. TROOPER will weigh approx 50 to 55 lbs once he is ful­ly grown. As Troop­er grows his fam­i­ly needs to under­stand that Troop­er may have issues with his left leg (such as a torn acl) after com­pen­sat­ing so long and we ask that appli­cants are finan­cial­ly secure to care for his needs now and in the future.


We are using a cart for Troop­er to help raise his body straight as his spine is shift­ing and growing/curving to the right. He is such an amaz­ing dog!!

**If you can not adopt but would like to donate towards TROOPER’S future care and vet bills, dona­tions can be made direct­ly to our pay­pal account or to our vet. Con­tact us at No amount is to small 😉 EVERY dol­lar will make a difference.

If you are inter­est­ed in adopt­ing from our res­cue our process is as follows:

- An appli­ca­tion MUST be sub­mit­ted in order to be con­sid­ered for adoption.

- Appli­ca­tions can be down­loaded direct­ly off our web­site at Once the appli­ca­tion is com­plete please email it back to us at

- Emails with appli­ca­tions attached will be con­sid­ered first for adop­tion. Basic inquiries will be con­tact­ed last.

- Ref­er­ences will be contacted/checked and a home vis­it will be request­ed to ensure the home is safe/suitable for a pup­py. This vis­it is for your ben­e­fit as well.

- If your home is cho­sen to adopt, the pup will be placed in the home with a fos­ter con­tract in place until the pup is spayed/neutered. NO adop­tions are final­ized until the pup has rec’d his/her 2nd parvo/distemper vac­cine boost­er and is altered. Fol­lows-up are done frequently.

- Adop­tion dona­tion fees are $395 for pup­pies. This includes 2 parvo/distemper vac­cine boost­ers, com­plete deworm­ing, revolution/advantage applied if nec­es­sary, spay/neuter/tattoo/nail trim and ears cleaned. Pup­pies come with a high-qual­i­ty, grain-free kib­ble, crate on loan, collar/leash.

We have a say­ing in our res­cue and that is, “every­one wants a pup­py until they have one.” Pup­pies are a TON of work and in order for house-train­ing to be suc­cess­ful they must go out EVERY hour or two. Some­one must be home with the pup for the first 3 to 4 months at which time they can be left for up to 4 hours (if house-trained). We pre­fer homes with kids over 8 years old due to sharp teeth and the demands pup­pies require. Please keep in mind if you live in an apart­ment house-train­ing can prove extreme­ly dif­fi­cult. Pup­pies can also be vocal at first (once they leave their lit­ter mates) so many pups may not be suit­able for mul­ti-fam­i­ly hous­ing due to noise complaints.