Say hel­lo to LADY!!!

LADY is a 7 month old sweet­heart of a Coon­hound mix who was grow­ing up in the shel­ter sys­tem and need­ed to get into fos­ter care. Bul­ly Bud­dies and Cross Our Paws Res­cue are work­ing togeth­er on plac­ing her in a great home. LADY is cur­rent­ly fos­tered at the Dog Patch (THANKS AGAIN DOG PATCH) which she loves because she adores play­ing with oth­er dogs! LADY has been liv­ing in shel­ters for the last 3+ months, she is just learn­ing all about house-train­ing, not counter-surf­ing, and oth­er pup­py skills. She is sweet, loves to please, and not so loud for a hound! LADY is just learn­ing about walk­ing on-leash and like many hounds will need more train­ing and thought before she could be a good off-leash hik­ing bud­dy (she has an extreme inter­est in squir­rels which might lead her astray). If you are look­ing for a fun new best friend, love hounds and are ready for some con­tin­ued old­er pup­py train­ing, then Lady may be your catch! If you are inter­est­ed in LADY please con­tact Cross Our Paws RESCUE at crossourpaws@yahoo.ca for an appli­ca­tion (or down­load an appli­ca­tion here) or con­tact Bul­ly Bud­dies via: http://www.bullybuddies.net/adoptioninfo.htm

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