
CROSS OUR PAWS is a not-for-prof­it “all-breed” ani­mal res­cue orga­ni­za­tion. We are a small group of ded­i­cat­ed vol­un­teers who love ani­mals and have joined togeth­er to help res­cue, pro­vide med­ical care, reha­bil­i­tate and rehome abused, aban­doned, home­less ani­mals. Many times we res­cue ani­mals (pri­mar­i­ly dogs) who have found them­selves unwant­ed and lost in over-crowd­ed shel­ters and are fac­ing death row.

All ani­mals that come through CROSS OUR PAWS are exam­ined by our vet­eri­nar­i­ans pri­or to plac­ing them in tem­po­rary fos­ter homes. Plac­ing our ani­mals in tem­po­rary fos­ter care, allows CROSS OUR PAWS time to assess each ani­mal’s indi­vid­u­als needs.https://www.djfactoryrolex.com/ It also allows the ani­mal time to adapt to his/her new envi­ron­ment and receive any atten­tion he/she requires such as train­ing and social­iz­ing. With this CROSS OUR PAWS is more able to re-home the ani­mal ensur­ing the best match for both the ani­mal and his/her human companion.

CROSS OUR PAWS is work­ing with our local ani­mal shel­ters to help find won­der­ful homes for the many home­less ani­mals in need. These poor dogs are liv­ing in con­crete ken­nels, cold and lone­ly, wait­ing for some­one to take them home and love them for­ev­er. Many of these dogs have been liv­ing the shel­ter life for months.