Meet Trix­ie, a 16 week old Husky cross pup­py. We had a home lined-up for this girl but it has since fall­en through due to an ill­ness in the fam­i­ly. We are now accept­ing appli­ca­tions for Trix­ie. Trix­ie absolute­ly LOVES her fos­ter home in Abbots­ford and has offi­cial­ly request­ed that her new home have a play­ful, young dog. We are look­ing for a home (with­in the Van­cou­ver Low­er Main­land) where some­one is around dur­ing the day to help with her house-train­ing which so far, has been going along VERY well. Trix­ie is one smart pup­py. Vis­it her post­ing here on our adopt­able pet-list for details and application.TAS TRIXIE

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